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Wimp Extension
<Requester boxes>
<Draw / Sprites=>SprDrw>
<Saving / Loading=>SveLoad>
<Misc Vital>
<Misc Other>
<Star commands=>Star_Comms>WimpExt_Initialise &45780
=> R0 = 14
R1 = <Task handle=>SWI.Wimp_Initialise>
R2 = <Features flags=>WimpExt_Initialisea> (try 1875)
\<= R0 = WimpExt version number * 100
R2 = pointer to WimpExt's sprite pool
Must be called prior to using any other WimpExt calls.
R0 must be 14 on entry. This is so that WimpExtension
can work out what version the program thinks it is calling
(so I can change the functionality of calls later whilst
still retaining backwards-compatibility).
(I have also come accross sugested values of 16 & 11 for R0
in the Manual file. 14 works with v2.17.) WimpExt_CloseDown &45781
=> R0 = task handle
MUST be called prior to the task exiting.WimpExt_SlabIcon &45782
R2 = window handle or 0 for slabbed icon
R3 = icon handle
If semi-automatic slabbing is enabled, then:
R4 = 0 to pop out, any other to pop in
To be called to force an icon to be slabbed (for example to slab the default
action icon if RETURN is pressed). If semi-automatic slabbing is enabled then
the icon will be popped in or out depending on R4, otherwise it will be
popped in and then out again. If R2 is zero then the last icon to be slabbed
in (either implicity or explicity) is used. Note that in this case the SWI
might return an error (eg. if the window has been deleted), so use the X form
of the SWI.WimpExt_Action (&45784)
=> R0 = task handle
R1 = Wimp_Poll block
R2 = Wimp_Poll reason code
R0 = Wimp_Poll reason code (possibly altered)
To be called immediately after <Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll>, to perform actions such as slabbing
icons and changing pointers. WimpExtension may alter the code returned - eg.
if the user clicks in a requester window then the code will be translated
before your program gets to see it.
See also <WimpExt_PrePoll>.<WimpExt_CurrentTask =>_CurrentTask > &4578B
R0 = task handle
R0 = previous task handle
Informs WimpExtension which task is currently active. Not needed if you have
called <WimpExt_Initialise =>_Initialise >or <WimpExt_Action =>_Action >since the last Wimp_Poll. =>_Poll. >The
previous user is returned in R0.WimpExt_AutoRedraw (&45798)
=> R1 = <Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll> reason code 1 block
This call can be used instead of the normal
<Wimp_RedrawWindow=>SWI.Wimp_RedrawWindow>/<GetRectangle=>SWI.Wimp_GetRectangle> loop if the
window doesn't contain any graphics drawn by
your program. It does the equivalent of:
SYS "Wimp_RedrawWindow",,q% TO flag%
WHILE flag%
SYS "<WimpExt_Redraw>",,q%
SYS "Wimp_GetRectangle",,q% TO flag%
WimpExt_Redraw (&45783)
=> R1 = Wimp_RedrawWindow block
To be called in the window redraw loop,
to draw the 3D borders round icons.
See also <WimpExt_AutoRedraw>.WimpExt_OpenWindowTop (&4578E)
=> R0 = window handle
Opens the window whose handle is in R0,
or brings it to the top if it is already
open. If the 'Back' attribute is set then
it opens it at the back instead. Calls
<WimpExt_OpenLinked>, so linked windows are
handled correctly.WimpExt_CentreWindow (&45799)
=> R1 = pointer to block:
R1 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R1 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
R1 + 8 visible area maximum x coordinate
R1 + 12 visible area maximum y coordinate
R1 + 28 window flags
\<= Block contains altered coordinates
This call shifts the x coordinates in the supplied
block so that the window described would be centred
horizontally on the screen. You can use this call
before <Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> - eg:
SYS "WimpExt_CentreWindow",,q%
SYS "<Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow>",,q% TO handle%
or you can use it before <Wimp_OpenWindow=>SWI.Wimp_OpenWindow> - eg:
SYS "WimpExt_CentreWindow",,q%+4
SYS "<Wimp_OpenWindow=>SWI.Wimp_OpenWindow>",,q%
If you are using <WimpExt_LoadTemplates> then windows
can be centred automatically for you (see description
See also <WimpExt_CentreWindowV>.WimpExt_CentreWindowV (&457BE)
=> R1 = pointer to block:
R1 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R1 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
R1 + 8 visible area maximum x coordinate
R1 + 12 visible area maximum y coordinate
R1 + 28 window flags
Block contains altered coordinates
This call shifts the y coordinates in the supplied
block so that the window described would be centred
vertically on the screen. You can use this call
before <Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> - eg:
SYS "WimpExt_CentreWindowV",,q%
SYS "<Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow>",,q% TO handle%
or you can use it before <Wimp_OpenWindow=>SWI.Wimp_OpenWindow>
- eg:
SYS "WimpExt_CentreWindowV",,q%+4
SYS "<Wimp_OpenWindow=>SWI.Wimp_OpenWindow>",,q%
If you are using <WimpExt_LoadTemplates> then windows
can be centred automatically for you (see description
See also SYS <WimpExt_CentreWindow>WimpExt_OpenFullSize (&457A4)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = window to open behind (-1 = top, -2 = bottom)
Opens the window to maximum size - ie. the same as
clicking on the toggle icon.WimpExt_LoadTemplates (&4578C)
=> R0 = pointer to buffer for storing window handles
R1 = pointer to user buffer for template (big enough for largest template)
R2 = pointer to workspace for indirected icons
R3 = pointer to end of workspace for indirected icons
R4 = 256-byte font reference array (-1 for no fonts)
R5 = pointer to filename of templates file
R6 = pointer to sprite area control block (+1 for Wimp sprite pool)
Loads in all the templates from the file whose name is pointed to by R5, and
calles <Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> for each one. The value in R6 is placed in the
window block at offset +64. Stores the window handles sequentially in the
buffer pointed to by R0, in the order they are found in the templates file.
On exit the buffer pointed to by R1 will contain the template for the last
window in the file. The buffer for window handles should be big enough to
store all the window handles, each of which is a word. For each window, if
the word on entry is zero the window will be created as usual. Bits that are
set have the following meanings:
Bit Meaning if set
0 centre window horizontally
1 don't create window
2 centre window vertically
Bit 1 is useful if you have the last window in the file as one that you want
repeatedly, but you don't want it created at once.WimpExt_CheckWindowOpen (&4579D)
R0 = window handle (or -3 for <requester=>WimpExt_OpenRequester> window)
R0 = 0 if window closed, 1 if open
Checks to see if the specified window is open.WimpExt_SetWindowTitle (&4579F)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = pointer to string
Copies the string in R3 into the window
whose handle is in R2. The title must be
indirected. Updates the screen if necessary.WimpExt_OpenRequester (&457A6)
=> R2 = title (eg. 'Message from MyTask')
R3 = text (eg. 'Document not saved. Save?')
R4 = pointer to <block=>WimpExt_OpenRequestera> containing button definitons
R5 = button to be used if 'Escape' is pressed (0-3)
Opens a requester box with a title, a message and some buttons
along the right-hand edge.
The pointer is constrained to the requester window. The buttons
may contain any text up to 8 characters. You can have up to 4
buttons. They are filled with the text specified from the
bottom one (the default) upwards.
If the text for a button is a null string then that button will
not be created.
Mouse_Click events to the requester
window will be passed from <WimpExt_Action> filtered so that
only Select and Adjust are passed through, the window handle
is -3, and the icon handle will be 0-3. You can check whether
the requester window is open by using <WimpExt_CheckWindowOpen>.WimpExt_CloseRequester (&457A7)
Closes the requester window and releases
the mouse pointer. This is done automatically
if the user selects a button in the requester
box, or presses Escape or Return. If the
window wasn't open then no error is generated.
See also <WimpExt_OpenRequester>WimpExt_LinkWindows (&45787)
=> R2 = main window handle
R3 = sub-window handle
R4 = flags
bit meaning
0 clip linked window to the left
of the main window
1 clip linked window to the right
of the main window
2 clip linked window above the
main window
3 clip linked window below the
main window
4-30 reserved; MUST BE 0
31 link is hidden
Will link two windows so the sub-window moves
with the main window. Currently there is a
limit of 16 linked windows - this may be
removed in a later version.
See also <WimpExt_UnLinkWindows>.WimpExt_OpenLinked (&45788)
=> R1 = Wimp_OpenWindow block
To be used instead of <Wimp_OpenWindow=>SWI.Wimp_OpenWindow>.
It does the same thing, but if the
window is linked then it will handle the
link. If the window is not linked, it has
the same effect as Wimp_OpenWindow.
See also <WimpExt_CloseLinked>.WimpExt_CloseLinked (&45789)
=> R1 = Wimp_CloseWindow block
To be used instead of <Wimp_CloseWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CloseWindow>.
It does the same thing, but if the
window is linked then it will close the
linked window as well. If the window is
not linked, it has the same effect as
See also <WimpExt_OpenLinked>WimpExt_UnLinkWindows (&4578A)
=> R2 = main window handle
R3 = sub-window handle
Will remove the link between the specified
window and its subwindow. Note that this
just removes the pointer in WimpExtension
workspace, if the windows are on the screen
they will remain there. You do not have to call
UnLinkWindows before you exit - it is here so
that you can unlink windows while your
application is still running.
See also <WimpExt_LinkWindows>.WimpExt_HideLink (&457A8)
=> R0 = main window handle
R2 = sub-window handle
Temporarily hides the link between the
specified window and its sub-window.
This is useful, for example, for removing
toolboxes in such a way that they can be
replaced later. Note that this call does
no screen update - ie. the sub-window
remains where it is.
See also <WimpExt_UnHideLink>.WimpExt_UnHideLink (&457A9)
=> R0 = main window handle
R2 = sub-window handle
Unhides the previously hidden link.
Note that this call does no screen
update - ie. the sub-window remains
where it is.
See also <WimpExt_HideLink>WimpExt_ManualLink (&46389)
=> R2 = main window handle
R3 = sub-window handle
R4 = flags
bit meaning
0 clip linked window to the left of
the main window
1 clip linked window to the right of
the main window
2 clip linked window above the main
3 clip linked window below the main
4-30 reserved; MUST BE 0
31 link is hidden
R5 = X offset between main and sub-window
R6 = Y offset between main and sub-window
Will link two windows so the sub-window moves with the
main window. Currently there is a limit of 16 linked
windows - this may be removed in a later version.
See also <WimpExt_LinkWindows>.Window-type SWIs
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 12 20
#EndTable Icon-type SWIs
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 15 24
<3D icons=>3D>
<Auto inc/dec of icons=>WimpExt_AutoIncDec>
<Key handling=>WimpExt_IconKey>
<Radio icons>
#EndTableWimpExt_IconBarSprite (&45785)
=> R2 = -2 for left of iconbar, -1 for right
R3 = pointer to sprite name
R5 = icon button type (eg. 3)
\<= R0 = icon handle
Will place a sprite on the iconbar, returning
the icon handle. Note that the sprite name is
copied out of the memory block, which can be
reused. Also note that the number in R5 is just
the button type, not the flags.
See also <WimpExt_IconBarText> and <Wimp_CreateIcon=>SWI.Wimp_CreateIcon>.WimpExt_IconBarText (&45786)
=> R2 = -2 for left of iconbar, -1 for right
R3 = pointer to sprite name
R4 = pointer to text (max. 128 chars inc. terminator)
R5 = icon button type (eg. 3)
\<= R0 = icon handle
Will place a sprite on the iconbar, with a text message
underneath, returning the icon handle. Note that the sprite
name is copied out of the memory block, which can be reused,
but the text remains where it is; this is so you can change
the text after creating the icon. Also note that the number
in R5 is just the button type, not the flags.
See also <WimpExt_IconBarSprite> and <Wimp_CreateIcon=>SWI.Wimp_CreateIcon>.WimpExt_SetIconString (&4578D)
=> R0 = non-zero for ellipsis (only if enabled in
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = pointer to string
Copies the string pointed to by R2 into the specified
indirected text icon, and updates the screen if
necessary. If the caret was in the icon then it is
moved to the end of the new string. Only updates the
screen if anything was changed - ie. if the new string
is the same as the old string then nothing will happen.
If R0 is non-zero and bit 7 was set in R2 in <WimpExt_Initialise>
and the string is longer than the icon can hold then the string will be
post-fixed with '...'.WimpExt_SetIcon (&4578F)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = 0 to deselect icon, non-zero to select icon
If bit 6 of R2 was set in <WimpExt_Initialise>:
R4 = 0 to deselect icon, 1 to select icon, 2 to toggle icon
\<= R0 = old state of icon (0 for unset, 1 for set)
Selects the icon if R4 is non-zero, deselects it otherwise.
Updates the screen if necessary. If bit 6 of R2 was set in
WimpExt_Initialise then the alternative parameters are used
as shown. If bit 9 of R2 was set in WimpExt_Initialise and
you are setting the icon, then other icons in the same ESG
will be unset.
See also <WimpExt_GetIcon>.WimpExt_GetIcon (&45790)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
\<= R0 = 0 if icon is not selected, 1 if it is selected
R3 = Word at <iconblock=>SWI.Wimp_IconBlock>+20 (ie. pointer to indirected
text for indirected text icon)
Detects whether the icon is selected, and returns 1 in R0
if it is, 0 otherwise. Also returns in R3 the value in the
iconblock at offset 20. For an indirected text icon this
will be a pointer to the text.
See also <WimpExt_SetIcon>.WimpExt_SetNumberIcon (&45791)
=> R0 = base
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = value
Converts the signed integer in R4 into a string
and places it in the icon. Updates the screen as
necessary. The base to be used is specified in
R0 - it must be in the range 2-36.
See also <WimpExt_GetNumberIcon>.WimpExt_GetNumberIcon (&45792)
=> R0 = default base
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
\<= R0 = value
Converts the string in the icon to a signed
integer and places it in R0. The base to be
used by default is specified in R0 - it must
be in the range 2-36.
See also <WimpExt_SetNumberIcon>.WimpExt_IncNumberIcon (&45793)
=> R0 = base
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = maximum value
R5 = step
\<= R0 = new value
Converts the string in the icon to an
signed integer, adds the step, and puts
it back. Updates the screen as necessary.
The value will not go beyond the value
passed in R4, and the new value is returned
in R0.
See also <WimpExt_DecNumberIcon>WimpExt_DecNumberIcon (&45794)
=> R0 = base
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = minimum value
R5 = step
\<= R0 = new value
Converts the string in the icon to an
signed integer, subtracts the step, and
puts it back. Updates the screen as
necessary. The value will not go beyond
the value passed in R4, and the new value
is returned in R0.
See also <WimpExt_IncNumberIcon>Drag flags in R0
=> R0 = bits meaning
0-1 Horizontal position:
00 = left
01 = middle
10 = right
11 = undefined
2-3 Vertical position:
00 = bottom
01 = middle
10 = top
11 = undefined
4-5 Mouse bounding box:
00 = whole screen
01 = constrain to parent window
10 = constrain to box pointed to by R5
11 = undefined
6 constrain sprite if set, otherwise constrain pointer
7 shadow if set
8 use DragASprite even if CMOS flag isn't set
9-31 reserved; MUST BE 0WimpExt_DragIcon (&4579A)
=> R0 = <flags=>WimpExt_DragFlags>
R1 = pointer to sprite block, +1 for Wimp sprite area,
0 to use dash box
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = pointer to sprite name (if R1<>0)
R5 = pointer to mouse bounding box (only if
necessary - see flags)
+00 xmin
+04 ymin
+08 xmax
+12 ymax
This SWI does one of two things. If the DragASprite module is loaded, and
bit 1 of byte 28 of the CMOS RAM is set, and R1<>0 then it will use the
DragASprite module as follows:
Work out the parameters to 'DragASprite_Start' and call it. If this
produces an error then try again with dash box as described below.
Otherwise it makes an ordinary rotating dash box as follows:
Work out the parameters to 'Wimp_DragBox' and call it. Bits 0-3 and 7 of
the flags are ignored.
If you are using this SWI at any time with R1<>0 then remember to call
XDragASprite_Stop at appropriate points. You MUST use the X form of the SWI,
and you must ignore errors.WimpExt_PutCaretIcon (&4579B)
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
Works out the length of the text icon
specified and calls <Wimp_SetCaretPosition=>SWI.Wimp_SetCaretPosition>
to position the caret at the end of the string.WimpExt_SetIconStringN (&457A0)
=> R0 = non-zero for ellipsis (only if enabled in
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = pointer to string
Copies the string pointed to by R2 into the specified
indirected text icon, and updates the screen if necessary.
If the string is longer than the size of the buffer then
the right-hand end of the string is copied (as opposed to
the left-hand end, which is the case if you use
<WimpExt_SetIconString>). If the caret was in the icon then
it is moved to the end of the new string. If R0 is
non-zero and bit 7 was set in R2 in WimpExt_Initialise and
the string is longer than the icon can hold then the
string will be pre-fixed with '...'.WimpExt_SetIconColour (&457B0)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = foreground colour (0-15 or -1 to keep the same)
R5 = background colour (0-15 or -1 to keep the same)
\<= R0 = old foreground colour + old background colour * 16
Changes the specified icon's colour(s). If there is no
change then the icon is not updated (ie. it doesn't
flicker). This call will now work for anti-aliased fonts,
but the icon MUST have an 'F' validation command, as the
Wimp needs this to specify the icon's colour.WimpExt_ShadeIcon (&457B1)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
R4 = 0 to unshade icon, non-zero to shade icon
If bit 6 of R2 was set in <WimpExt_Initialise>:
R4 = 0 to unshade icon, 1 to shade icon, 2 to toggle shade flag
\<= R0 = old state of icon (0 for unshaded, 1 for shaded)
Shades the icon if R2 is non-zero, unshades it otherwise. Updates the
screen if necessary. If the caret was in the icon and you are telling
WimpExtension to shade it then the caret is removed (disowned). If bit
6 of R2 was set in WimpExt_Initialise then the alternative parameters
are used as shown.WimpExt_ViewIcon (&4638B)
=> R0 = movement type:
0 = scroll window minimum amount necessary
1 = centre icon in window (only if it's currently
outside the window)
2 = choose 0 or 1 depending on how far outside
the window the icon is
R2 = window handle (or -1 for caret window and icon)
R3 = icon handle (if R2<>-1)
Checks to see if the specified icon is in the portion of
the window which is visible on the screen, and scrolls the
window to display it if it isn't. If R2=-1 then the icon
containing the caret (if if belongs to your task) is used.
R0=2 is the recommended movement type to use.WimpExt_MoveCaretIcon (&46384)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
Moves the caret into the specified icon,
keeping its vertical position as nearly
unchanged as possible. If the caret is
currently disowned then it is placed at
the end of the string in the icon.WimpExt_SetExtent (&457B5)
=> R0 = window handle
R1 = pointer to block
+00 = new work area minimum x
+04 = new work area minimum y
+08 = new work area maximum x
+12 = new work area maximum y
Sets the work area extent of the specified
window, altering the values to be whole
pixels, and reopening the window (if already
open) so that the change is reflected on the
screen.WimpExt_MoveCaret (&457B6)
=> R0 = key
R2 = window handle
R3 = icon handle
\<= R0 preserved if no action taken, 0 otherwise
Moves the caret from its current writeable icon to
the next one above or below (in number) if the key
in R0 is up arrow (or shift-tab) or down arrow (or
tab). If you set bit 8 of R2 on entry to
<WimpExt_Initialise> then this SWI will be called
automatically for you in <WimpExt_Action>, and the
reason code translated to a null event if the key
is processed.WimpExt_BorderOp (&46388)
=> R0 = <reason code=>WimpExt_BorderOpa>
other registers as appropriate for reason code
Peforms misc. border read operations.Codes for R0:
0 : <Get border number=>WimpExt_BorderOpb>
1 : <Get border width=>WimpExt_BorderOpc>
2 : <Get bounding box in registers=>WimpExt_BorderOpd>
3 : <Get bounding box in block=>WimpExt_BorderOpe>Get border number
=> R0 = 0
R1 = pointer to icon block
\<= R0 = border number, or -1 if the icon has no 3D border
Returns the number of the 3D border of the specified icon.
-1 is returned if the icon has no 3D border.Get border width
=> R0 = 1
R2 = border number (0-6)
\<= R0 = width in OS units, or 0 if R2 did not
contain a valid border number
Returns the width of the 3D border outside the
icon's bounding box. 0 is returned if an invalid
border type is specified.Get icon bounding box in registers
=> R0 = 2
R1 = pointer to <icon block=>SWI.Wimp_iconblock>
\<= R2 = XMin
R3 = YMin
R4 = XMax
R5 = YMax
Returns the bounding box of the icon, including the 3D
border if present.
Read icon block with <Wimp_GetIconState=>SWI.Wimp_GetIconState>.Get bounding box in block
=> R0 = 3
R1 = pointer to icon block
R2 = pointer to 16-byte block to receive bounding box
\<= block + 0 = XMin
block + 4 = YMin
block + 8 = XMax
block + 12 = YMax
Returns the bounding box of the icon, including the 3D
border if present.3D border types
0 : Standard 3D border. Used for headings and buttons.
Pops in if clicked on.
1 : Ridged grouping border. Put it around things of a
similar nature.
2 : Like 0, with a channel round it. Used for the default
button (ie. the one that is pressed if you press
3 : Wide border for writeable icons - leave the normal
black border on the icon and make the background
4 : Popped in border - for things that are for
information only.
5 : Trenched border - the opposite of border 1. Can be
clicked on. Suggested use is as an alternate border 1.
6 : Title border - similar to border 0, but with two
'dents'. This border is designed to be used as the
title of a group, with a border 1 icon behind it as
the frame.
If you add 8 to the border number, it will become inert - ie. it
will ignore all mouse clicks and not pop in. Bordered icons
should be filled if you want them to change colour when clicked
If you want an icon which doesn't change colour when slabbed in
and out unset the 'Filled' flag
Click Shift-Adjust on the iconbar to see an example of this.3D icons
3D borders are controlled by the 'w' validation command:
#Prefix 3D_
w <border number>,\<slabbing mask>,\<slabbing time>,\<top left colour>,
\<bottom right colour>,\<popped in colour>,\<popped out colour>,
\<channel colour>
All the numbers apart from the border number are optional. The defaults are:
wxx,4,15,4,0,1,14,12. These defaults can be changed by the user, using the
star command '<WimpExt Defaults=>Star_Defaults>'. You can specify only some, eg:
w2,4,20 or w2,,,,3.Auto incremtening / decrementing of icons
If, as is often the case, you have a number in an indirected
icon on the screen and you want the user to be able to alter
it, it is nice to have bumper icons next to it as well as
making it writeable. For this purpose, you can specify that
an icon should decrement/increment another icon when clicked
on in the validation string. The syntax of the command is:
Syntax: wi\<icon>,\<minimum>,\<maximum>,\<step>
The default values are: wixx,0,&7FFFFFFF,1. All the values are
optional apart from the icon number. To make it decrement the
icon instead, use a negative step value. If the user clicks
with Adjust instead of Select then the icon will be incremented
instead of decremented, or vice-versa.Menu SWI's
<OpenDialogue=>WimpExt_OpenDialogue> WimpExt_ColoursMenu (&45797)
=> R0 = colour to be ticked
R2 = 0 to have just colours, 1 to have extra option
\<= R0 = pointer to colour menu
Creates a colour menu (like Edit's 'Background' and
'Foreground' ones), making the text of each option black
or white depending on the brightness of that colour in the
current palette. If the value in R0 on entry is in the
range 0-15 then that colour will be ticked in the menu.
The call returns a pointer to the menu block (in RMA
If the value in R2 on entry is 1 then a 17th
option will be added, 'Transparent'. You can change the
text of this by changing the menu block if you want (it's
in RMA). The 17th option will be ticked if R0 on entry is 16.WimpExt_OpenDialogue (&4579C)
=> R2 = window handle
R3 = X Offset
R4 = Y Offset
Opens the specified window using
<Wimp_CreateMenu=>SWI.Wimp_CreateMenu> at the pointer position,
offset by R3 and R4. The coordinates used
are PointerX-R3,PointerY+R4.WimpExt_CreateMenu (&457AC)
=> R1 = pointer to menu structure, or
window handle, or -1 to close menus
R2 = menu X
R3 = menu Y
Exactly the same as <Wimp_CreateMenu=>SWI.Wimp_CreateMenu>, except
that the parameters are stored so that, after
you have processed the selection, if the user
clicked ADJUST you can call <WimpExt_ReCreateMenu>
to reopen the menu, or this can be done for you
(see <WimpExt_Initialise>).WimpExt_ReCreateMenu (&457AD)
Reopens the last menu opened with <WimpExt_CreateMenu>.
Generates an error if the last operation was to close a
menu, or if you have not called <WimpExt_CreateMenu> yet.WimpExt_ShadeEntry (&457AE)
=> R1 = pointer to menu structure
R2 = number of option to shade/unshade (0...nn)
R3 = 0 to unshade
= any other to shade
If bit 6 of R2 was set in <WimpExt_Initialise> then
R3 = 0 to unshade entry
= 1 to shade icon
= 2 to toggle shaded flag
\<= R0 = old state (0 for unshaded, 1 for shaded)
Shades or unshades the specified menu entry. If bit 6 of R2
was set in <WimpExt_Initialise> then the alternative parameters
are used as shown.WimpExt_TickEntry (&457AF)
=> R1 = pointer to menu structure
R2 = number of option to tick/untick (0...nn)
R3 = 0 to untick
= any other to tick
If bit 6 of R2 was set in <WimpExt_Initialise> then
R3 = 0 to untick entry
= 1 to tick entry
= 2 to toggle tick flag
\<= R0 = old state (0 for unticked, 1 for ticked)
Ticks or unticks the specified menu entry. If bit 6 of R2 was
set in <WimpExt_Initialise> then the alternative parameters are
used as shown.WimpExt_MenuWidth (&46382)
=> R1 = pointer to menu structure
This SWI scans through the specified menu,
altering its width and the widths of all its
submenus, so that all the menus are the minimum
width possible while still displaying the text
correctly (and neatly).WimpExt_GetFontMenu (&457B7)
=> R0 = 0 to unshade 'System font' entry
= 1 to shade it
R1 = pointer to menu title (12 chars max),
or 0 for default title 'Font'
\<= R1 = pointer to menu structure
Reads in the list of fonts currently available
and creates a hierarchial menu structure with
all the fonts listed by family. 'System font'
is also on the root menu. This menu structure
is guaranteed to remain in the same place for
as long as your task is active. The font list
MAY be read in the first time you call
WimpExt_GetFontMenu, or it may have been read
in earlier.
See also <WimpExt_DecodeFontMenu>.
This SWI may only be called if you set bit 2 of
R2 when you called <WimpExt_Initialise>.WimpExt_DecodeFontMenu (&457B8)
=> R0 = pointer to buffer for font name
R1 = pointer to <Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll> block, reason
code Menu_Selection
The font menu is decoded and the correct font name is
placed in the buffer.
If the user selects, for example, 'Trinity' of
'Trinity.xxx','Trinity.yyy' the submenus will be
followed through, and the font name at the top of each
menu used.
See also <WimpExt_GetFontMenu>.
This SWI may only be called if you set bit 2 of R2 when
you called <WimpExt_Initialise>.WimpExt_LoadRAMTemplate (&457A5)
=> R1 = pointer to user buffer for window definition
R2 = pointer to workspace for indirected icons
R3 = pointer to end of workspace for indirected icons
R4 = -1 for no fonts - fonts not supported at present
R5 = pointer to template
\<= R2 = pointer to end of workspace used (ie. first
free byte)
This call is similar to <Wimp_LoadTemplate=>SWI.Wimp_LoadTemplate> except that it
uses templates in RAM. This is designed to be used in
Module tasks, where you cannot have a separate Templates
file. You would use the supplied 'FNtemplate' function to
insert the template in your module, and then call
WimpExt_LoadRAMTemplate to convert this to a window
At present fonts in templates are not supported - this
shouldn't cause too much of a problem as I have never seen
a program which uses this feature anyway.Borders
#Table 8 12
#Prefix WimpExt_
<3D borders=>3D>
#EndTable WimpExt_PlotBorder (&457BD)
=> R0 = <reason code=>WimpExt_PlotBordera>
Other registers as appropriate for R0
Like <Wimp_PlotIcon=>SWI.Wimp_PlotIcon>, except it just redraws the 3D
border. R0 specifies how the coordinates and border
type are to be specified. If bit 31 of R0 is set
then the border will be plotted slabbed in.Reason codes for PlotBorder (&457BD)
=> R0 = 0 R1 = pointer to <icon block=>SWI.Wimp_IconBlock>
R2 = window handle (or -1 for no window)
R0 = 1 R1 = pointer to block:
+ 0 Minimum work area x coordinate
+ 4 Minimum work area y coordinate
+ 8 Maximum work area x coordinate
+ 12 Maximum work area y coordinate
+ 16 <Border type=>3D_border number>
R2 = window handle (or -1 for no window)Requseter boxes
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 4 20
#EndTable Block for WimpExt_OpenRequester (&457A6)
Text for default button (eg. 'Save')
Text for button 1 (eg. 'Discard')
Text for button 2 (eg. 'Cancel')
...WimpExt_ControlImmediate (&457B9)
=> R1 = <Reason code=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatea>
Other registers as appropriate for R1
This SWI is for using windows like the <Wimp_ReportError=>SWI.Wimp_ReportError> window
that are not multi-tasking. You can only have one 'immediate
window' open at a time, it is always on top of the window pile,
and you MUST NOT call '<Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll>' while the immediate window
is open.
If you call WimpExt_PrePoll while an immediate window is open
then it will be closed automatically - the Wimp does not know
about immediate windows and the screen display would become
corrupted if you kept an immediate window open over a call to
<Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll> or <Wimp_PollIdle=>SWI.Wimp_PollIdle>.
Icon types currently supported are:
sprite-only non-indirected
text-only, all types
Unknown icon types will be ignored.Reason codes for WimpExt_ControlImmediate (&457B9)
=> R1 = -1 <Close immediate window=>WimpExt_ControlImmediateb>
0 <Close immediate window=>WimpExt_ControlImmediateb>
1 <Check for mouse click=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatec>
2 <Open immediate requester and wait for mouse click=>WimpExt_ControlImmediated>
3 <Redraw icon=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatee>
4 <Slab icon=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatef>
5 <Limit pointer=>WimpExt_ControlImmediateg>
6 <Redraw icon's 3D border=>WimpExt_ControlImmediateh>
7 <Redraw icon=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatei>
>= &8000 <Open immediate window=>WimpExt_ControlImmediatej>WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 1)
WimpExt will check for mouse clicks on icons in
the window. 3D icons will be slabbed automatically.
-1 is returned if no icon was clicked on.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 1)
WimpExt will check for mouse clicks on icons in
the window. 3D icons will be slabbed automatically.
-1 is returned if no icon was clicked on.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 2)
It opens an 'immediate requester' and waits for a
mouse click on one of the action buttons, or ESCAPE
or RETURN. The icon clicked on is returned in R0.
The rest of the registers are as for
<WimpExt_OpenRequester>.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 3)
The icon in the immediate window whose handle is in R0
will be redrawn (presumably because you have changed
the indirected data).
The 3D border is not redrawn.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 4)
The icon whose handle is in R0 will be slabbed in or out
depending on R2 - similar to <WimpExt_SlabIcon> for normal
If the specified icon handle is -1 and R2 is 0
then the currently slabbed icon (if any) is used.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 5)
The mouse rectangle is redefined to be the size of the
immediate window - similar to <WimpExt_LimitPointer> for
normal windows. Use <WimpExt_ReleasePointer> to release
the pointer again afterwards.WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 6)
The specified icon's 3D border is redrawn.
Icon handle is passed in R0 (?)WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason 7)
The specified icon is drawn. You do not need to have an
immediate window open to use this reason code.
Icon handle is passed in R0 (?)WimpExt_ControlImmediate (reason =>&8000)
An immediate window is created from the
<Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> block pointed to by R1.
Draw / Sprite
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 7 17
#EndTable WimpExt_RedirectSprites (&4638D)
=> R0 = pointer to sprite area control block,
or +1 for Wimp sprite area
R1 = pointer to <Wimp_CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> block
Sets the sprite area control block pointer of
all the indirected, sprite-only icons in the
<CreateWindow=>SWI.Wimp_CreateWindow> block to R0.WimpExt_PlotSprite (&457B2)
This SWI has been replaced by SWI
<WimpExt_SpriteOp> 0. This call will still be
supported - it just passes the call on to
<WimpExt_SpriteOp>.WimpExt_RedrawDraw (&457B3)
This SWI has been replaced by SWI
<WimpExt_DrawOp> 0, which is a lot better at
displaying draw files than this one. This call
will still be supported, but if you have written
a program using it you are strongly recommended
to change to <WimpExt_DrawOp>.WimpExt_SpriteOp (&46386)
=> R0 = <reason code=>WimpExt_SpriteOpa>
R1 = sprite control block pointer
R2 = sprite pointer
Other registers as appropriate for reason code
This SWI performs various operations on sprites, including
displaying them onto the screen (or printer). Note that these
calls need <ColourTrans=>SWI.ColourTrans_> if you are using them with 256-colour
It is similar to <OS_SpriteOp=>SWI.OS_SpriteOp> in that:
R0 + 256 for user sprite area, R2 points to sprite name
+ 512 for user sprite area, R2 points to sprite
R1 = 1 for Wimp pool
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name as R0
Note that R1 & R2 are as here unless otherwise specified.
Sprites in the system sprite area are not supported.Reason codes for WimpExt_SpriteOp (&46386)
=> R0 = 0 <Display sprite=>WimpExt_SpriteOp0>
1 <Get palette=>WimpExt_SpriteOp1>
2 <Make pixel translation table=>WimpExt_SpriteOp2>
3 <Make scaling table=>WimpExt_SpriteOp3>
4 <Display sprite scaled=>WimpExt_SpriteOp4>
5 <Copy sprite=>WimpExt_SpriteOp5>
6 <Copy sprite area=>WimpExt_SpriteOp6>
7 <Remove duplicate names=>WimpExt_SpriteOp7>
8 <Copy sprite area sprite by sprite=>WimpExt_SpriteOp8>
9 <Check if sprite needs to be transformed=>WimpExt_SpriteOp9>
10 <Global replace=>WimpExt_SpriteOp10>Get palette (reason 1)
=> R0 = 1
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
\<= R3 = pointer to sprite's palette, or 0 if
it doesn't have one
R4 = number of entries in palette
Locates the specified sprite's palette.Display sprite (reason 0)
=> R0 = 0
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = x coordinate (OS units)
R4 = y coordinate (OS units)
R5 = <plot action=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpd>
Plots the specified sprite on the screen. This call is
mode-independent, so if necessary the sprite is changed
size and/or the colours are chosen appropriately.Make pixel translation table (reason 2)
=> R0 = 2
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = pointer to block to contain table
(1 byte per colour)
\<= block contains pixel translation data
Calculates a pixel translation table for displaying
the specified sprite in the current mode. If the
sprite has no palette then the desktop's colours
are used.Make scaling table (reason 3)
=> R0 = 3
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = Pointer to 16-byte block to contain table
\<= block contains scaling table
Calculates a scaling table for displaying the
specified sprite at normal size in the current mode.Display sprite scaled (reason 4)
=> R0 = 4
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = x coordinate (OS units)
R4 = y coordinate (OS units)
R5 = plot action
R6 = pointer to <sprite scaling table=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpe>
Plots the specified sprite on the screen, scaled according
to the table. This call is mode-independent, so if necessary
the sprite is changed size and/or the colours are chosen
appropriately. The sprite is first scaled to be the correct
size in the current mode, then the specified scaling table
is used.Copy sprite (reason 5)
=> R0 = 5
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = pointer to destination sprite area
or +1 for Wimp sprite pool
Copies the specified sprite into the destination
sprite area. Gives an error if there isn't enough
Note that sprites with duplicate names will
NOT be overwritten; you will end up with two sprites
with the same name. Copy sprite area (reason 6)
=> R0 = 6
R1 = source sprite control block pointer
or +1 for Wimp RMA sprite pool,
or +2 for Wimp ROM sprite pool
R2 = target sprite control block pointer
or +1 for Wimp sprite pool
Copies ALL the sprites from the source sprite area
to the target sprite area. Gives an error if there
isn't enough room. Note that sprites with duplicate
names will NOT be overwritten; you will end up with
two sprites with the same name. Remove duplicate names (reason 7)
=> R0 = 7
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>,
or +1 for Wimp sprite pool
Checks for sprites with duplicate names.
If any exist, all copies except the LAST
one will be deleted. Copy sprite area sprite by sprite (reason 8)
=> R0 = 8
R1 = Source <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>,
or +1 for Wimp RMA sprite pool,
or +2 for Wimp ROM sprite pool
R2 = Target <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>,
or +1 for Wimp sprite pool
Copies ALL the sprites from the source sprite area
to the target sprite area. Gives an error if there
isn't enough room.
The sprites will be copied one by
one, with duplicate sprite names removed before each
copy. This means that this call, while being slower than
'<Copy sprite area=>WimpExt_SpriteOp6>' followed by '<Remove duplicate names=>WimpExt_SpriteOp7>',
often requires less free memory in the target sprite area.Check if sprite needs to be transformed (reason 9)
=> R0 = 9
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = mode to check for, or -1 for current mode
\<= R0 = bit meaning if set
0 a pixel translation table would
be needed
1 a scaling table would be needed
2-31 undefined; will be 0 if the sprite
doesn't need transforming
Checks whether the specified sprite needs to be <scaled=>WimpExt_SpriteOp3>
or needs a <pixel translation table=>WimpExt_SpriteOp2> to be plotted correctly
in the specified mode.
If either of these things are required, other <WimpExt_SpriteOp>
calls exist to calculate them for you.Global replace (reason 10)
=> R0 = 10
R1 = <Sprite area=>SWI.OS_SpriteOpb>
R2 = Pointer to sprite or sprite name
R3 = search colour
R4 = replace colour
Replaces all pixels of colour R3 with pixels of colour
R4. This routine isn't very fast, but it works. Currently
it won't work with 256-colour sprites.WimpExt_DrawOp (&46385)
=> R0 = <reason code=>WimpExt_DrawOpa>
Other registers as appropriate for R0
This SWI performs various operations on Draw files,
including rendering them onto the screen (or printer).
This call has replaced <WimpExt_RedrawDraw>Reason codes for WimpExt_DrawOp (&46385)
=> R0 = 0 <Render draw file=>WimpExt_DrawOp0>
1 <Calculate bounding box=>WimpExt_DrawOp1>
2 <Register unknown object handler=>WimpExt_DrawOp2>Render draw file (reason 0)
=> R0 = 0
R1 = Pointer to <scale/pos table=>WimpExt_DrawOpb>
R2 = pointer to first object
(ie. beginning of Draw file+40)
R3 = pointer to end of last object (ie. end of file)
R4 = pointer to <graphics clip box=>WimpExt_DrawOpc>, or 0 for no clipping
\<= R0 ù R2 corrupted if scaling is not 1:1
This call displays a draw file. Objects will be
checked one by one to see if they are in the
clipping area, and redrawn if they are. Currently
the following objects are supported:
0 - font table
1 - text
2 - path
5 - sprite
6 - group
7 - tag
This is all the objects specified in the RISC OS 2 PRMs,
except for text AREA objects, which are hardly ever used
and are very very complicated. Magnifying a draw file by
more than about 8 times is probably not a good idea because
rounding errors in the Draw module will start to become
Note that this call requires the <ColourTrans=>SWI.ColourTrans_>
module. It also requires the FPEmulator module, if and only
if the scaling is not 1:1.
This call replacesáthe old SWI <WimpExt_RedrawDraw>, which
should now not be used. (This call is much better anyway.)Scaling / position table:
block + 00 = amount to multiply X by * 65536
block + 04 = 0
block + 08 = 0
block + 12 = amount to multiply Y by * 65536
block + 16 = X origin (OS units)
block + 20 = Y origin (OS units) Graphics clipping box:
block + 00 = XMin
block + 04 = YMin
block + 08 = XMax
block + 12 = YMaxCalculate bounding box (Reason 1)
=> R0 = 1
R2 = pointer to first object
R3 = pointer to end of last object
\<= R4 = XMin (Draw units)
R5 = YMin (Draw units)
R6 = XMax (Draw units)
R7 = YMax (Draw units)
Calculates the bounding box of the specified objects.
The coordinates are returned in Draw units (which are
OS Units * 256). Grouped objects are not checked
individually - the group's bounding box is used.
If no objects with bounding boxes are in the set
specified then R4-R7 on exit are undefined.
Unknown object types will not be checked. (This call
'knows' all the types described in the RISC OS 2 PRMs.)Register unknown object handler (Reason 2)
=> R0 = 1
R2 = pointer to routine (or 0 for no unknown
object handler)
R3 = pointer to workspace
This routine will be called if the Render Draw File
code encounters an unknown object. The routine has
the following entry and exit conditions:
(SVC mode)
=> R2 = pointer to object
R4 = pointer to scaling and position table
R6 = clipping rectangle XMin (pretransformed)
R7 = clipping rectangle YMin (pretransformed)
R8 = clipping rectangle XMax (pretransformed)
R9 = clipping rectangle YMax (pretransformed)
R12 = your workspace pointer
R13 = pointer to supervisor stack (at least 256
bytes guaranteed)
R14 = return address
\<= R1-R11,R13 preserved
V flag set on error, with R0 pointing to standard error blockRadio icons
There are a couple of validation commands for helping
with radio icons. 'ws' allows icons to select and deselect
other icons when clicked on, and 'wu' allows icons to shade
and unshade other icons.
Syntax: ws\<action>,\<icon>[,\<icon>][,\<icon>][,\<icon>]...
The action code is as follows:
0 deselect specified icons
1 select specified icons
2 toggle specified icons
The syntax is exactly the same for 'wu' except that the
icons will be shaded instead of selected. You can specify
several of these commands in one validation string -
eg. 'ws1,4;ws2,5;ws0,1'.The Heap Manager
A heap (as provided by WimpExtension) is a section of
memory, in which there are several blocks of memory
(how many & how large is up to the task).
These blocks move about in memory, and so anchors are
provided to keep track. Each block has an anchor, and
Block may be resized, freed, compacted, fixed etc.
Please note that the task must provide the heap
itself - DIM heap% 1000, for instance.
WimpExt provides one multi-purpose heap managing call,
which does different things depending on the reason code.
Read the <Heap text file=>*Filer_Run \<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Heap> for more info.WimpExt_Heap (&457BA)
=> R0 = <reason code=>WimpExt_Heapa>
Other registers as apropriate for R0
This call provides all the heap managing
features, depending on R0.
<Info on heaps in general=>WimpExt_HeapHelp>Reason codes for WimpExt_Heap (&457BA)
=> R0 = 0 <Initialise heap=>WimpExt_Heap0>
1 <Heap info=>WimpExt_Heap1>
2 <New block=>WimpExt_Heap2>
3 <Free unused memory=>WimpExt_Heap3>
4 <Resize block=>WimpExt_Heap4>
5 <Fast heap tidy=>WimpExt_Heap5>
6 <Slow optimal heap tidy=>WimpExt_Heap6>
7 <Get anchor=>WimpExt_Heap7>
8 <Fix heap (nested)=>WimpExt_Heap8>
9 <Unfix heap (ignore nesting)=>WimpExt_Heap9>
10 <Unfix heap (nested)=>WimpExt_Heap10>
11 <Add anchors=>WimpExt_Heap11>
12 <New block=>WimpExt_Heap12>
13 <Release memory, kill heap=>WimpExt_Heap13>Initialise heap (Reason 0)
=> R0 = 0
R1 = Base in memory of heap
R2 = No. of anchors.
Initialise a heap with X anchors in R2.
More anchors may be added later with
<reason code 11=>WimpExt_Heap11>, but it is much quicker
to do it at the start.Heap info (Reason 1)
=> R0 = 1
\<= R2 = Size of largest unused area of memory in heap
R3 = Total free memory
R4 = Total size of heap
R5 = No. of anchors created
R6 = Current number of blocks
This call gives misc. info about the heap.New block (Reason 2)
=> R0 = 2
R1 = 0 (unused)
R2 = Size of block
\<= R1 = anchor (0 if not enough free memory)
This call create a new block returning 0 if there
was not enough memory.Free memory used by block (Reason 3)
=> R0 = 3
R1 = anchor for block
This call kills a block, and frees it's memory.Resize block (Reason 4)
=> R0 = 4
R1 = Anchor
R2 = New size
\<= R1 = Flag
This call resizes a block, returning zero if
there is no room.Features flags
=> R2 = bit meaning
0 Semi-automatic slabbing if set, automatic otherwise
1 Automatically recreate menus if set
2 Task wants to use font menus if set
3 Automatically compact <heap=>WimpExt_Heap> once a
second if set
4 'Correct' radio icons if set
5 Semi-automatic help if set, automatic otherwise
6 Use alternative parameters for flag-setting SWIs if set
7 Use R0 of <WimpExt_SetIconStringN>
8 Automatically call <WimpExt_MoveCaret>
9 Unset other icons in ESG when setting icons
10 Automatically call <WimpExt_ViewIcon> after moving caret
11 Don't allow TAB for moving between writeable icons
12-31 reserved; MUST BE 0
If bit 1 of R2 is set then if the user selects a menu option with the
ADJUST button then the menu will automatically be recreated when you next
call <WimpExt_PrePoll> (assuming you used '<WimpExt_CreateMenu>' to create
the menu, that is).
If bit 2 of R2 is set then you are allowed to call <WimpExt_GetFontMenu>
and <WimpExt_DecodeFontMenu> - you are NOT allowed to call them if you do
not set bit 2.
If bit 4 of R2 is set then the user won't be able to deselect all of a
group of radio icons by clicking adjust on the selected icon.Fast tidy (Reason 5)
=> R0 = 5
This call makes a very fast, but non-optimal,
compaction of the heap.
If bit 3 of R2 is set on entry to
<WimpExt_Initialise>, then this will automatically
occur every <WimpExt_PrePoll>.Slow, optimal heap tidy (Reason 6)
=> R0 = 6
This call compacts the heap to it's minimum
possible value, but is somewhat slower than
<reason code 5=>WimpExt_Heap5>.Get anchor (Reason 7)
=> R0 = 7
R1 = block
\<= R1 = anchor
Use this call if your task needs to know
the anchor of a block, of which it knows
the position in memory.Fix heap (Reason 8)
=> R0 = 8
This call freezes the heap, so it cannot move in memory.
To unfreeze, call with <reason code 10=>WimpExt_Heap10>, or <code 9=>WimpExt_Heap9>
The difference is, code 10 should be called the same no.
of times as code 8, or the heap will remain frozen if it
is not called enough times.
Code 9, however, does not care how many times code 8 has
been called, and unfreezes the heap anyway:
FOR i%=0 TO 10
SYS "WimpExt_Heap",8 : REM Freeze
SYS "WimpExt_Heap",9 : REM Unfreeze
Whereas code 9 would just be called once, after the loop. Unfix heap (Reason 9)
=> R0 = 9
This call simply unfixes the heap, regardless
of how many times <reason 8=>WimpExt_Heap8> has been called.Unfix heap (Reason 10)
This call unfixes the heap, but if <code 8=>WimpExt_Heap8>
has been called more than once, it will not
unfix it - to do so, it would have to be called
the same number of times.
See also <code 9=>WimpExt_Heap9>Add anchors (Reason 11)
=> R0 = 11
R1 = No. to add
Add R1 extra anchors. This is quite slow,
relative to doing it at the start with
<code 0=>WimpExt_Heap0>.New block (Reason 12)
=> R0 = 12
\<= R1 = Anchor
This call creates a new block, automatically
creating a new anchor if necessary.Kill heap (Reason 13)
=> R0 = 13
This call kills a heap, freeing the memory it
was using.Misc. vital
#Table 8 14
#Prefix WimpExt_
#EndTable WimpExt_PrePoll (&457B4)
To be called immediately before <Wimp_Poll=>SWI.Wimp_Poll>
or <Wimp_PollIdle=>SWI.Wimp_PollIdle>.
This filters clicks from requester windows
and the like, so they appear with proper
values (-3 for requester window) etc.Saving / Loading data
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 3 10
#EndTable WimpExt_DataSave (&457BC)
=> R0 = file length
R1 = pointer to filename (pathname or leafname)
R2 = file type
R3 = pointer to data
R4 = zero to allow files to be saved to your own task,
non-zero otherwise
R5 = pointer to Wimp_GetPointerInfo block if >=&8000,
otherwise file will be saved to current mouse position
\<= R0 = 0 if failed due to attempt to save to own task, non-
zero otherwise
Used to save a file from your program to a filer or to another
task. When you receive the User_Drag_Box event after the user
has dragged the icon to where they want it put, call
WimpExt_DataSave to handle the data transfer.
R5 allows you to use this call to save to a specified place -
just use R5=0 if you want to save to the pointer position. If
R4 is non-zero on entry, then if the user has dragged the file
to a window or icon belonging to your task then no action will
be taken, and R0 will be zero on exit. Otherwise, when the
transfer has finished, WimpExtension will send you a message,
number &45782, with the word at R1+20 having the following
0 = file not saved. Error block at R1+24
1 = file saved but is 'unsafe' (eg. saved to another task)
2 = file saved. Filename at R1+24WimpExt_DataLoad (&46383)
=> R0 = 0 : Load into heap block
R1 = pointer to DataSave or DataLoad
message block
R2 = block pointer of block to receive
file, or 0 to create new block
R3 = offset in block to place file
R0 = 1 : Load into fixed block
R1 = pointer to DataSave or DataLoad message
R2 = pointer to block to receive file
R3 = length of block
Use this SWI to load files from the filer or other
applications. If R0=0 then the file is loaded into a
WimpExt_Heap block, and can be any length, memory
permitting. If R0=1 then the file is loaded into a
fixed area of memory, and will not be loaded if it
exceeds the length of the area. When you receive the
DataSave or DataLoad message, pass the block onto
WimpExt_DataLoad, and the transfer will be handled
automatically. As long as this SWI doesn't return an
error, when the transfer has finished, WimpExtension
will send you a message, number &45784, with the word
at R1+20 having the following meaning:
0 = file not loaded. Error block at R1+28
1 = file transferred successfully from another task
2 = file loaded successfully from disc
A pointer to the block's anchor is at R1+24, if it was
loaded into a heap block. Otherwise a pointer to the
area is at R1+24. If R1+20<>0 then the rest of the block
+ 28 = length of file
+ 32 = load address of file
+ 36 = exec address of file
+ 40 = filename (leafname if transferred from task)
Obviously you need to have initialised a <heap=>WimpExt_Heap> to use this
SWI. Note that WimpExtension won't free the block if there's
an error; your error handler must do this if appropriate.
The load and exec addresses don't indicate the date if the
file was transferred from another task (the relevant bits
will all be zero).Pointer SWIs
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 5 17
<The 'wp' command>
Click Adjust on
the iconbar for
an example of
this.WimpExt_SetPointer (&45795)
=> R0 = pointer to sprite name in the Wimp sprite pool,
or 0 to reset pointer
If R0 >= &8000 (to change pointer)
R2 = hotspot X
R3 = hotspot Y
Stores the old pointer palette, and changes the pointer
palette and shape to the sprite specified in R0 (palette
The 'hotspot' is defined by the X and Y coordinates (pixels)
in R2 and R3.
If R0 is \< &8000 then it will reset the pointer to its original
state. You don't need to check if the pointer is already reset
or changed as WimpExtension will do this for you.
Note that the pointer will keep changed until you specifically
ask for it to be reset - ie. pointer changes over icons will
be suspended, and the pointer will remain changed outside
your window's workarea.WimpExt_LimitPointer (&457A2)
=> R0 = window handle
Limits the mouse pointer to the visible area
of the window specified.
Note that if there are draggable objects within
this area and these are used then the mouse
rectangle is reset. It is also reset if there is
a change of mode, eg. if the user presses F12 and
then Return.
See also <WimpExt_ReleasePointer>.WimpExt_ReleasePointer (&457A3)
Releases the limits on the mouse pointer - ie.
sets the mouse rectangle to be the entire screen.
Note that this call resets the graphics origin and the
graphics and text windows.
See also <WimpExt_LimitPointer>.Help
#Prefix WimpExt_
#Table 3 20
<Interactive help=>WimpExt_InterHelp>
#EndTable Auto-Interactive help
When the pointer is over the icon, Acorn's Help application
would display the message specified.
If you set bit 5 of R2 when you called <WimpExt_Initialise>,
specifying 'semi-automatic' help then instead of sending the
message to Help for you, WimpExtension will instead give YOU
a <message=>WimpExt_HelpMessage>, &45783, giving you the suggested help string.Help message format
The message format is as follows:
+ 0 40
+ 16 &45783
+ 20 mouse X
+ 24 mouse Y
+ 28 button state
+ 32 window handle (-1 for background, -2 for icon bar,
-3 for requester window)
+ 36 icon handle
+ 40 suggested text
You may notice that this is the same as message &502, with
the message number changed and the suggested text tagged on
the end. To send this on unchanged, you would use:
SYS "<WimpExt_SendHelp>",q%+40,q%WimpExt_SendHelp (&457AA)
=> R0 = message text
R1 = pointer to message block containing message
of type &502 or &45783
Sends a reply to message type &502, with the specified
text. The message will appear in Help's Interactive Help
Window, or WimpHelp's Standard Help Window.WimpExt_SendWimpHelp (&457AB)
=> R2 = keyword
R3 = filename
Sends a message to WimpHelp, telling it to open a
hypertext help window from a file as specified in
R3, with the keyword as specified in R2.Misc Other
#Table 8 14
#Prefix WimpExt_
#EndTable WimpExt_CurrentTask (&4578B)
=> R0 = task handle
\<= R0 = previous task handle
Informs WimpExtension which task is currently active.
Not needed if you have called WimpExt_Initialise or
WimpExt_Action since the last Wimp_Poll. The
previous user is returned in R0.WimpExt_Divide (&45796)
=> R2 = numerator
R3 = denominator
\<= R0 = result
R2 = remainder
Returns (R2 DIV R3) in R0 and (R2 MOD R3) in R2.
Useful for calculating which area of window needs
to be updated. An error is produced if R3 is zero
on entry.WimpExt_CopyString (&4579E)
=> R2 = 'from' pointer
R3 = 'to' pointer
Copies the control-terminated string from R2 to R3.
The string stored at R3 will be zero-terminated
whatever the terminator was for the original string.WimpExt_MemCopy (&457BB)
=> R0 = 'from' address (word aligned)
R1 = 'to' address (word aligned)
R2 = length (not necessarily word aligned)
\<= R0 preserved
Copies an area of memory very quickly. Can cope
with overlap, R0=R1 or R2=0.WimpExt_Sort (&46380)
=> R0 = number of objects to sort
R1 = pointer to array of objects
R2 = pointer to comparison routine
R3 = workspace pointer for comparison procedure
R4 = size of object
R5 = address of temporary workspace of R4
bytes (only needed if R4>63)
This SWI will sort an array of objects. It is very similar
to the OS_HeapSort SWI, except that you can use it to sort
an array of ANY object, rather than just arrays of pointers.
R2 points to a routine which is entered, in SVC mode, as
R0 = address of object a
R1 = address of object b
R12 = value supplied to WimpExt_Sort in R3
R13 = supervisor stack
R14 = return address
The routine should compare the two objects and return,
preserving all registers apart from R0,R1,R12 and R14,
with flags set as follows:
a\<b Z=0, C=0
a=b Z=1, C=1
a>b Z=0, C=1
The actual method of sorting is unspecified; suffice it
to say it's fast...
Although R5 doesn't have to be word-aligned, the sort
will probably be faster if it is.WimpExt_MemMove (&46381)
=> R0 = from
R1 = to
R2 = size in bytes
Copies R2 bytes from R0 to R1. R0 and R1 need not be
word-aligned, and R2 need not be a multiple of 4.
This SWI uses the optimised memory copying routine
given in the RISC OS 2 PRMs. It does not cope with
overlap (which is why it's separate from <WimpExt_MemCopy>).WimpExt_Intersect &46387
=> R0 = 0 : Boxes in registers:
R2 = XMin1
R3 = YMin1
R4 = XMax1
R5 = YMax1
R6 = XMin2
R7 = YMin2
R8 = XMax2
R9 = YMax2
R0 = 1 : Boxes in blocks:
R2 = pointer to XMin1,YMin1,XMax1,YMax1
R3 = pointer to XMin2,YMin2,XMax2,YMax2
\<= If they intersect:R0 = 1, C flag set
If not :R0 = 0, C flag clear
Checks whether the specified rectangles intersect.About Ext Help
Original text (all 71k) by Jon Ribbens,
of <DoggySoft>.
Conversion to the StrongHelp format, code
for Ext Help by David Rodgman.DoggySoft
#indent 15
#sprite 0,0 doggy
To contact DoggySoft please write to:
DoggySoft Consumer Department,
Furzefield House,
Furzefield Road,
Bucks, HP9 1PQ.
Or ring (0494) 673222 The 'wp' command
Pointer changes over icons are controlled by the 'wp'
validation command.
Syntax:wp\<pointer name>,\<x hotspot>,\<y hotspot>
The x and y hotspots are optional. What happens is that
when the pointer is over the icon it will changed to the
named sprite. The 'hotspot' is the area that is the
actual 'point' of the pointer. Apart from the following
supplied standard pointers, the sprite must be in the Wimp
sprite pool.
Standard supplied pointers are:
ptr_write (4,4)
should be used over writeable icons
ptr_menu (6,5)
should be used over icons that lead to menus when
clicked with SELECT
ptr_direct (12,6)
should be used for resizing objects
ptr_hand (10,9)
should be used for dragging objects
ptr_cross (8,4)
should be used for accurate pointing
You can have <user pointers=>WimpExt_Pointerwpa> as well.User pointers
Pointer sprites should be designed in mode 8, maximum size
32x32 pixels. You should be wary of using logical colour 2
in pointer sprites, as it doesn't work in high-res mono
modes. The pointer can have a palette if you want it to.
If you are in a hi-res mode then WimpExtension will try to
use a sprite of name "\<pointer>22", and then try "\<pointer>"
if that didn't work. Therefore you can supply hi-res pointers
as well (they should be in mode 19).Key handling
As it is often needed that RETURN do the same as clicking
on the default icon (the one with border type 2), and also
that the up and down arrow keys move to writeable icons
above and below, WimpExtension will handle these keys for
you. Simply include the validation code 'wr' in the
writeable icon's validation string:
Syntax:wr[RETURN icon number],[up icon number],
[down icon number]
The icons specified will be used when the user presses RETURN,
up arrow (or shift-tab) and down arrow (or tab) respectively.
If the icon specified is a writeable icon then the caret will
be moved to that icon, otherwise WimpExtension will generate
a fake Mouse_Click event for that icon, which will make it
appear to your task as if the user clicked with button status
%100 on the icon (the mouse coordinates given will be those of
the caret).
You may leave out any of the numbers in the syntax, if you do
so then WimpExtension will not affect the handling of that key.Where to send blank cheques...
David Rodgman
Laurel Farm
Upper Strode
BS18 8BGStar Commands
Like many modules, Wimp Extension
provides this SWI and then says:
Do not use *Desktop_WimpExtension
Do not use it...WimpExt_FindLeaf (&457A1)
=> R0 = pointer to pathname
\<= R0 = pointer to leafname
Finds the last occurence of '.' in the string pointed to
by R0, and returns a pointer to the next character. eg.
given 'scsi::HardDisc.$.first.second.last'
it will return a pointer to 'last'. This can be useful
for both extracting the leaf name, and for determining
what directory the file is in (by poking a zero to (R0-1)
- eg. MOV R2,#0 STRB R2,[R0,#-1] ).*X
Syntax: *X \<command>
The same as typing * \<command> from
the command line, but all errors are
Provides access to misc commands concerning
the Wimp Extension module. Tasks will not
need to use these, as they are for the user
of WimpExtension as opposed to the programmer.
Commands are:
<WimpExt Defaults=>Star_Defaults>
<WimpExt LoseTasks=>Star_LoseTasks>
<WimpExt SpriteColours=>Star_SpriteCols>*WimpExt Defaults
Sets the default colours, slabbing time,
and sprite style.
Syntax: Defaults \<bottom-right> \<top-left>
\<in> \<channel> \<time>
Sprite style - 0 = 3D, 1 = flat
Some examples are:
#Table 8 26
<Dark slabbing=>*\<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Defaults.DarkSlab>
<Interface II style=>*\<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Defaults.I2Style>
<No colour change=>*\<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Defaults.NotSlab>
<Official Acorn style=>*\<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Defaults.Official>
<Risc OS 3.1 normal style=>*\<ExtHelp$Dir\>.Defaults.310>
4 0 2 12 15 0
4 0 14 12 15 0
7 7 7 0 15 0
6 0 14 12 15 0
0 4 14 12 15 0
4 0 1 12 15 0
3 0 3 12 15 0
3 0 14 12 15 0
#EndTable *WimpExt LoseTasks
LoseTasks tells WimpExtension to forget all
about any Wimp tasks that are currently
registered with it. This is not usually a
good idea, but some bugged programs can
sometimes manage to crash without
de-registering themselves, so it can be
useful.*WimpExt SpriteColours
SpriteColours sets some of the colours of some of
the sprites in the WimpExtension sprite pool.
Each parameter specifies the colour of the symbol
in a different sprite.
Syntax: *WimpExt SpriteColours \<radioon> \<opton>
\<yes> \<no>